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River Valley Resources, Inc. (RVR) is a private, not-profit organization founded in 1990 to help low-income and disadvantaged Hoosiers obtain and maintain gainful employment.
From the mid-1970s to 1990, federal workforce development services were available through the local Community Action Agency—Ohio Valley Opportunities, Inc. (OVO). In November 1990, River Valley Resources, Inc. (RVR) was founded by three OVO employees as a stand-alone 501(c)(3) dedicated solely to workforce development programs and services in Fayette, Jefferson, Jennings, Scott, Union, and Wayne Counties.
River Valley Resources, Inc. continues to provide federal employment and training services; however, the organization's service area and offerings have expanded to better serve its clients' and communities' needs.
River Valley Resource's guiding mission is developing a competitive workforce through collaborative and innovative services for individuals, employers, and communities. River Valley Resources, Inc. has over 30 years of experience designing, implementing, and managing high-quality workforce development and community service programs, such as Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs, One-stop Operators, Reemployment Services, Jobs for America's Graduates in area high schools, WIOA Title II Adult Education, and Family and Social Services Act voucher programs.
River Valley Resources, Inc. is also the owner/operator of a multi-tenant non-profit center, manager of the Summer for Kids program in partnership with a women's re-entry prison, convener of the Jefferson County non-profit roundtable, and lead partner in two ex-offender re-entry programs: an Ivy Tech Community College credentialed job training and preparation program inside the all-female Madison Correctional Facility, and for all genders at the Scott County Detention Center.

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